Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Etsy Listings

I've just freshened up my MarthaHaskins Etsy shop to sell a few things that I apparently was hiding from myself.  What good does that do?  Keeping a painting hidden?  Anyhow, just a few small things and starting to get some vintage listed.  I've also been working with a few friends to start a new Etsy and blog that we've been keeping to ourselves, but I feel like sharing called "Wine Art Wednesdays and the Sober Blogger."  It's addicting!  Wednesdays feel like my weekend now since I look forward to them so much!  Anyhow, you can click on the links to the right (at the top of this blog) to see the paintings and clothing, but I'll post a photo or two for you below as well.  Happy Etsying!

<3 Alex