Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bridal Shower Invitations and Juicy!

I've been a busy, busy girl (those are my bridal shower invitation envelopes - all lovingly handstamped...one by one).
My husband and I found quite a few houses we like in New Jersey and well, lets just say that I am so excited to move! I have no idea what I will be doing (job-wise) in the next few months, but I am so thrilled that I don't really care! And not only are we trying to sell our place and move to NJ, but I am planning a bridal shower, a bachelorette party, helping with plans for two weddings, marketing my Etsy shop, trying to blog, keeping our house clean, cooking, getting fit, and trying to get more art from my head on to paper or canvas! Oh yeah, and I'm working on being a much better friend by calling and writing more (so far - slow)...I am really poor at calling and writing to people and I cannot figure out why?! But, I promised more photos, and at least I can keep my promises...so here they are, starting with my workspace/dining table for the bridal shower invitations (the theme is "Glamour - Walk the Pink Carpet:"
The actual invitation:
And I'll end by showing you my newest creation:"Juicy" by Alex Whatton (2008).

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Elevated Motivation

I have been so worried with our big move to New Jersey, that I haven't been living my life.
So I have to elevate my motivation and be ME. For example, I love that American Express commercial where the fashion designer, Diane von Furstenberg, says "I never knew what I wanted to do with my life - just the type of woman I wanted to be." I know it is just a commercial, but I was starting to live my life based on what other people wanted from me...completely losing myself. The "what the heck am I going to do with my life" question has been an ongoing scream in my mind. This commercial (and a few other things - don't worry), have made me realize that I need to rephrase the question to ask "who do I want to be?"
Okay. So far, so good. I am feeling positive. I love to travel, paint, create, draw, organize, analyze statistics (I know, I know - I am weird...), be spontaneous, write, (blog), work with animals, get a little dirty, try new things, play violin, live in music (yes, you know what I mean), play capoeira, cycle, spin, dance, attempt pilates and yoga (both pretty funny to watch - I definitely need to work on my flexibility), run, and read. I know there is so much more - but that's what I truly LOVE. [Got a job for me?]
Next step. Wow, this is scary. Exact measurements. Online. For all to see. Which makes me wonder; why am I so affraid? Why are most women so affraid of what are basically random numbers? Our clothing system doesn't even contain "REAL" numbers like the mens' department does. Would it not be easier for my jeans to all say 28 with a 33-35" inseam (depending on heels, of course). I do not understand our 0-2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16 system! (Or even S-M-L!) It is so arbitrary! And every clothing line is different! But I digress...here they are: bust: 34", waist: 27-1/2", hips: 36-1/2", and inseam: 33"...oh yeah, and 5'9" and (gulp)...133 pounds.
There, I did it. Now I can get over it and move on with my life. Why it was holding me back...well, I doubt that I will ever know. So what do I do now? Where do I go from here?
Outside Magazines May 2008 is a good start. It says "The 50 Best Jobs" on the cover and was handed to me by my husband at a bookstore Monday night. Companies I have always wanted to work for and jobs that I would kill for are listed...along with real people who work for some of them. Like the article says, a lot of work now-a-days comes from who you know rather than what you know, but I think you have to take a chance for love - and just apply. Anyhow, I have been researching all day and applied for a few jobs just to get the ball rolling. (I have found that the best way to apply to work for a company if you really want the job is by contacting their hiring/temp agencies. That's how I got my last job, anyhow.
If you need a little background on me; I started off at the University of Connecticuts' fantastic School of Business and to the horror of my parents, dropped out of the school of business and in to the college of liberal arts and sciences to study ethology (animal behaivor) or specifically; primatology (basically...monkeys). Since I was at UConn, I couldn't be so specific, so my degree reads "Psychology." I have held jobs ranging from mucking stalls at a horse ranch, to being a photo technician at a pharmacy, to an administrative assistant (and dog-sitter) for an electrical company, to a research associate at a biotech, to an art teacher, blah blah blah...and now I am working for myself (though I'm earning pennies) by selling my art, photography, and surface design on Etsy. Crazy crazy crazy. What's even crazier is thinking that someone is actually reading this.
Well, that's where I am for now. Where to go? Who to become? I seem to be at a loss for words...but if you have the job for me, please let me know.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

It's that day again - time to revamp and rethink your life...oh, and save the planet.
Most people don't realize how they are messing-up our Earth or that our planet can survive like this for much longer. Can you believe that? Walk outside and look around. How much garbage is on the ground, is there smog in the air, is anyone lying on the ground dead? Well, hopefully the last one isn't true (actually, I hope NONE of them are), but it probably got your attention. Yeah, you. You are killing our planet. Relax. You still have time to change your habits.
Here are a few easy fixes that don't cost anything and can possibly save you money:
1. Turn off the lights when you leave an empty room.
2. Skim a few minutes off of your shower time. On average, a shower-head uses five gallons of water per minute (wpm). Even if you just shut it off while you lather, you could save 10-30 gallons! Even better, share your shower and lather each other...trust me, you're saving the planet!
3. Recycle! Take a chance to think about what you are throwing away. If you can recycle any part of it (paper, plastic, metal, glass?), think twice...and recycle it! "In 2006, US residents, businesses, and institutions produced more than 251 million tons of MSW, which is approximately 4.6 pounds of waste per person per day" (the United States Environmental Protection Agency's data on Municipal Solid Waste, view full article here.) 4.6 pounds!!!
4. Walk or ride your bike when you run one errand today. Here is an article from the National Safety Council called "What You Can Do About Car Emissions." Better yet, try not to use your car at all today.
They seem simple, but integrating "green" habits into your life will not only help our planet but they will help you! Positive thinking and altruistic acts actually make people feel proud about themselves which helps your mind to relax and can actually boost your daily productivity! So go ahead, be selfish...AND save the Earth! But who am I to tell you what to do...I'm just a blogger.
PS: I will post those photos I promised this afternoon! :) Oh, and I changed some colors to make it easier ready...how's it look?

Friday, April 18, 2008


Wow - sorry everyone...have I been M.I.A. or what?!
My only excuse is that I have been making my best friends' bridal shower invitations (I will post photos soon!) and getting my house perfectly clean for the realtor photos...yup, as of last night, my house is officially on the market - byebye Connecticut!
Anyhow, I just got an email from Photojojo - check out these FREE PRINTABLE PINHOLE CAMERAS! Oh yeah, life just got a bit more exciting! Go out in to the great outdoors (with beautiful sunny weather) and take a few photos on your new cameras!
Speaking of camera's, here is my latest birthday purchase:

Hine's Camera CD Case!

I have been craving her camera cases for awhile, but this is just the second cd case that she has listed AND IN MY FAVORITE COLOR! I was so excited that I bought it immediately. I have found that with Hine's shop, you have to purchase an item the second you realize that you like it because otherwise, YOU WILL MISS YOUR CHANCE! So I did...my birthday is tomorrow...and I bought it for myself! (Now if she would just make me a matching camera case...hint hint!


Happy hunting!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Martha Stewart and Timothy Adam Designs

Soooooooo, here's the story from A-Z, you wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully...
Just kidding. Anywho, I am in a great mood - the sun is out and it feels like Spring and I was just "SUPER-FEATURED" on Timothy Adam Designs' Blog (as well as his Etsian Critiques and Reviews Blog in an Etsy Mini Ad)...my photo is up and everything! Feeling totally exposed.
Okay, so this is what happened: I have been admiring his stuff for some time now (really coveting the camera earrings), so I decided to product test his newest necklace design. When it arrived, I loved it so much, that I decided to wear it the next day to the Martha Stewart show on Wednesday, April 9th! It was such a hit that I am suprised Martha herself did not come over and ask me about it! Well, I was shown on television quite a bit during the episode and Timothy decided to do a feature about it on his website! He is so talented, it really was his necklace that did it all - check out his Etsy store!
Enjoy! I love karma...what goes around comes back around. (Sorry, song mode today.) Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 11, 2008

I dedicate this to you, Dave Delmonico

"Mourner" by Elizagauger.
To all my friends and family and those who knew Dave Delmonico - here is a little tribute to him, in a way I know how. The funeral is on Monday at 10am, please leave a comment if you are friends (or family) and would like the details emailed to you. Thank you.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fans of Gnarls Barkley

Enter to win one of these prints!

Martha Stewart and Ieri

"Ieri" ("Yesterday" in Italian) taken in Capri, Italy by me; Alex Whatton!
Sorry for the delay in posting lately - I pulled my back and I am trying to clean my house to get it ready to sell...not a good combination. In the mean time, check out all the busy, creative people that make handmade stuff at Etsy.com! I have added a new photograph to sell today and I am feeling inspired thanks to a visit to the taping of Martha Stewart in NYC yesterday. She amazes me - I must get to work!
Ciao ciao and happy blogging!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Color Explosion!

I snagged another treasury on Etsy today...it's called "A Color Explosion" and features the following: an original and graphic flower painting from mtjoyschool, a monkey/businessman t-shirt from clothmothclothing, an original abstract painting from billoneil, a headphone music print from perhaps, an original bull terrier painting from donnadidit, a bright rust photograph from wanderingemini, a handpainted silk peacock fan from gilbea, an Italian (Florentine paper) necklace from littleputbooks, an ACEO (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) bright green abstract from JeanHood, a handmade and colorful (crochet) bag from boutiquepinkdesigns, an original girl with flowing hair and sunglasses watercolor from hillarietasche, and a handmade recycled leather cuff bracelet from nicaelli! Check them all out and tell me what you think! Have a treasury you want me to see or something you think I would like? Let me know! I love to find new things!
Off to create - Ciao Ciao Bloggers and Etsians!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Okay - PUSH!

Here is the stamp I was dying to use!Here is the Ikea Portofolio that I wanted to try it out on (you can see the middle pinneapple probably should have been pushed down harder). And here is my work area! Crazy, I know...but ever since I got Lotta Jansdotters' new printmaking book, I have been dying to try some of her techniques. In the top left is the sports bra that I am planning on doing next creative push chance I get...off to run for now - SO MUCH TO DO!
Happy Crafting!

Running Behind Today!

Okay, I am COMPLETELY running behind - but I made another treasury today (I cannot believe my luck) and THEN I realized that I was in one as well! So here they are:
My first Treasury:
My first Treasury West:
First Treasury inclusion (!):
Please let me know what you think!!!
Ciao - will post creative push photos soon!
~ Alex

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Ride Through the Park

My very FIRST treasury!
I am so ecstatic; I just snagged my first ever treasury! I was in a spring cycling mood and had to post my favorites (the only thing I am worried about now is what if everyone buys all my favorites and I have none left?!). Hmm...should have thought about that before I posted them! Here is another new favorite:
It's a stereo purse/checkbook cover, by QuietDoing.
On another note, two more Etsians have been brave enough to join in Lusters' and my Creative Push Crusade! CKillaDesigns; who's blog is here (she's already started to blog about it) and Skully; who's blog is here! Are you up for it? If so, let me know in the Etsy forums! Not an Etsian? (You should consider joining!) Just leave me a comment and I will check out your blog for sure!
One more thing: I added a page on my facebook account! (I hadn't realized how easy it was to do it, so here it is!) MarthaHaskins Designs.
Happy crafting (and blogging) and ciao ciao for now!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Creative Push - DUE FRIDAY!

"Hammered Sterling Silver Circle and Copper Coil" Necklace by Luster.

Luster and I have a little "Creative Push" going on. While posting in a thread on Etsy today titled "Tell us some secrets about your shop," Luster and I discovered that we have something troubling in common...we buy all the supplies we might need for a certain craft project and then we leave said supplies untouched and clogging-up rooms all over our house. (Maybe that last part is just me.) So our "Creative Push" is that we each have to make one of those craft projects by friday and blog about it. Here's Lusters' blog. I think this could be the start of something big (and probably EXTREMELY necessary for Luster and me)! By the way - you really have to check out her stuff - her hammered hearts are amazing! Ciao ciao and happy blogging!