Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The view from my back door - this flowers are beautiful!  I'm thrilled with this burst of color - especially with all the dreary rain days we've had lately.  (One photo of the mums is for sale on my MarthaHaskins Etsy site - click here.)  Both Leo and Tank are enjoying this lazy Saturday morning as well, although little do they know that we will be sewing and painting and gluing in just a bit to get ready for tonight!  Oh, wait, now they are wrestling....I love weekends.  Here's another one of these crazy photos I took the other day (a few are posted on facebook).  I thought it was appropriate for today.  Happy Halloween!
~ Alex

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hello Sunday Morning

Ahh, Sunday Morning - cup of coffee, watching my favorite show and enjoying the rainy day.

If you don't know what show I'm referring to - you are truly missing out. CBS Sunday Morning is the one show I loathe to miss each week. Charles Osgood is fantastic. (Link here.) Right now, they are discussing nerds and how the "lines are blurring." YAY! THE BIG BANG THEORY! Perfect. Definitely cooler than being "hip and vapid." Ha!

See - no matter what, it's all about confidence.

I also went to Lucky Cheng's last night and Kush Lounge. (Click the names for links and addresses in NYC.) What a blast. Happy birthday Ness! Wish I could have stayed later, but we'll definitely do it again.

Speaking of which, just spoke with my hubby in England, and we are ready for ski season and a trip North (or West!)! Scared for my little nephew having a cold in the hospital right now, but holding strong for him. He's a fighter.

Now it's Where The Wild Things are - must watch.

Fight little nephew, fight.

Love to all and everyone - hug those around you today. (Even those kitties!)

~ Alex


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Twitter Obsessed

I am pathetically in love with Twitter. Did you know Governor Schwarzenegger tweets?! It's fantastic, especially since right now he is angry because his wife Maria was caught talking on her cell phone while driving - twice (thanks TMZ) - and he signed a bill making it illegal!

Oh Twitter, you amaze me with your information.

~ Alex

Friday, October 9, 2009


Homework on a friday night and a holiday weekend. I wish I were shopping, can't stand these stupid emails I have to deal with, and want to be home in bed. When oh when will you figure out that I'm not going to take this crap from you? I can't even believe this is how you deal with people. I've never felt so affronted in my life and it's the first time I've met you...ever. Who are you? Or better yet, who do you think you are? You definitely don't know me at all, so please stop making assumptions and wise-up. We won't take it anymore.

Now to make myself happy by sewing the night away with some good friends. Have a great weekend people!

~ Alex