It's that day again - time to revamp and rethink your life...oh, and save the planet.
Most people don't realize how they are messing-up our Earth or that our planet can survive like this for much longer. Can you believe that? Walk outside and look around. How much garbage is on the ground, is there smog in the air, is anyone lying on the ground dead? Well, hopefully the last one isn't true (actually, I hope NONE of them are), but it probably got your attention. Yeah, you. You are killing our planet. Relax. You still have time to change your habits.
Here are a few easy fixes that don't cost anything and can possibly save you money:
1. Turn off the lights when you leave an empty room.
2. Skim a few minutes off of your shower time. On average, a shower-head uses five gallons of water per minute (wpm). Even if you just shut it off while you lather, you could save 10-30 gallons! Even better, share your shower and lather each other...trust me, you're saving the planet!
3. Recycle! Take a chance to think about what you are throwing away. If you can recycle any part of it (paper, plastic, metal, glass?), think twice...and recycle it! "In 2006, US residents, businesses, and institutions produced more than 251 million tons of MSW, which is approximately 4.6 pounds of waste per person per day" (the United States Environmental Protection Agency's data on Municipal Solid Waste, view full article here.) 4.6 pounds!!!
4. Walk or ride your bike when you run one errand today. Here is an article from the National Safety Council called "What You Can Do About Car Emissions." Better yet, try not to use your car at all today.
They seem simple, but integrating "green" habits into your life will not only help our planet but they will help you! Positive thinking and altruistic acts actually make people feel proud about themselves which helps your mind to relax and can actually boost your daily productivity! So go ahead, be selfish...AND save the Earth! But who am I to tell you what to do...I'm just a blogger.
PS: I will post those photos I promised this afternoon! :) Oh, and I changed some colors to make it easier ready...how's it look?
Amen! Great post! thank you!
Aw, Earth has a party hat!
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