Tuesday, August 14, 2012

B and Blogging

Benj is happily napping on me after nursing...and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Boy, have my days changed since becoming a mother. What's one thing that I will forever be impressed by now? Single parents! I couldn't give B the attention he deserves without all the work that James does for us. I am a very lucky woman. I am also proud to still be breastfeeding. It's a truly wonderful feeling.

Next step? I've been amassing design / crafts / art ideas that I really want to accomplish (and blog about)...so I need to work on more B naps in his crib and more me time in the studio. When I get something done for my personal future on top of being a stay-at-home-mom, I feel like Superwoman! We just went to England and Lake Sunapee, NH to visit family and friends and I actually got some art time in! So I'll be posting those photos today, hopefully. (I've also learned that plans may change and often...and that is okay! I am loving my more spontaneous and giggle-filled days.) My other current goal is to meet other parents with children B's age in my area. I'm doing a "Boot Camp" workout on an upcoming Tuesday at one Mama's house and I recently bought a pass for "Mommy and Me" Yoga on Wednesdays in Montclair, NJ. I'd also love to get back in to horseback riding, book a few appointments (hair for a much-needed cut, dermatologist for a suspect mole, eye Doctor for my blurry left eye as of late, and maybe lactation consultant to check B's latch before teething starts...which I'm a little nervous for, OH!, and paddle-boarding and surfing lessons), and start swimming lessons with B! He absolutely loved "swimming" in Lake Sunapee and I loved paddle boarding again...new inspiration, that's for sure.
 (I painted this tortoise-shell onesie for Benji in NH this past week. I was totally inspired whilst wandering the annual League of N.H. Craftsmen's Fair...)

Life should be filled with the things you love. B has certainly helped me realize my priorities: family, friends, art (sewing and sketching), outdoor activities, slow food, and globetrotting.

Cheers to laughter, love, and splashing in the lake.
(Camp Carter Porch View, Great Island, Lake Sunapee, NH, USA)

<3 alex

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