I just realized that some people may think that this "personal trainer" thing is coming out of nowhere! Well, here's a little piece of unknown history that will make some sense out of it all - I was in a fitness video!
It all started when I was a sophomore in high school and my teacher told me about Capoeira. (For those of you who know absolutely nothing about it but want to, here's more information. Click on history...and there are videos on YouTube of course!) I didn't actually hear much more about it for a year-or-so until I was accepted into the Center for Creative Youth (CCY) summer program at Wesleyan University for violin. (Suzuki trained...learning a lot about me today, huh?!) Well, the program was not just about mastering your instrument or art, but learning about some other cultures and their arts. You guessed it, Capoeira was offered. For two weeks I got my butt kicked (and learned a little Portuguese...and Japanesse, but I digress) and fell in love with Capoeira. I could not wait to get started - but I had no idea where to look. And like many other teenagers, I soon forgot about this extra activity...what with field hockey, ski team, jazz band, orchestra, applying to college, SATs, blah blah blah - you know the story.
Well, turns out it wasn't over yet! A couple of kids at the University of Connecticut had started a club. (Look! They even have a webpage now!) I had to try my fair share of other clubs before I found it, including a sorority and Army ROTC, but hey, I got there eventually. In fact, I started getting a little obsessed with Capoeira and stopped nearly everything else I was supposed to be at college for (like English class, apparently). On Thursday and Friday nights a group of us would drive to New Haven, CT to attend Mestre Efraims' school and I even met my husband there!
Capoeira got me in the best shape of my life, introduced me to my husband, and even landed me in a fitness video with Professor Fabiano Lucas...so you will probably think I am crazy when I tell you that I have not played in about two years! (Yeah, I think I am out of my mind.) But I miss it, so as I move to New Jersey and James and I start our lives together - I am getting back in to it. I just found a few schools to try out and might even see a few friendly faces. I am RE-finding myself and proud of it. Now if I could just find those tight, white pants of mine!
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