Thursday, May 8, 2008

House AND Job Hunting

Sorry for the delay - my husband and I have been HOUSE HUNTING in New Jersey! Very exciting. The not so exciting part? I am also job hunting. I have no idea where to look?! and don't seem to be "big helps" in the creative/art world and seems to have all NYC creative arts jobs...and I truly have no idea what I want to be doing! I'm willing to try anything new and I am definitely good with statistics, data handling, research, anything artistic and creative, spontaneity, weird hours, hard manual labor, dirty work, scheduling, organizing, working out, cooking...blah blah blah. If I could find a job hand-painting sports equipment, I think I would be set.
I'm just so unsure of myself right now and I've never been in this position before. I do not know where I want to go and I am working on who I want to be! I'm thinking personal trainer, freelance writer/photographer, and/or sticking with fine art. There are a couple of contests coming-up, like the Diesel Wall (it's almost due). Maybe I should concentrate on those?
Gosh, I wish I knew.

1 comment:

Donna Pool said...

I understand being unsure of yourself, but you should be very sure of your talent as an artist. Thanks for having the courage to share your journey!