Thursday, April 21, 2011

Radici closes in on spandex from biopolymers

Radici closes in on spandex from biopolymers

Do you know what this means?! Eco-friendly spandex! This is huge! It's made from corn and corn-waste, a 100% renewable resource. How's that for Earth Day?

Celebrate tomorrow by doing your planet good . Maybe...don't buy any plastic for one day OR only buy local produce (and bring your own reusable bags to the market) OR work in your garden if you have one OR take a nice long walk on your lunch break and enjoy the fresh air your planet gives you freely every day...just saying... OR of course, there are the really cool workshops that Anthropologie always hosts on Earth Day (Friday - a.k.a. tomorrow, sorry for the late post!)!


<3 Alex

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