I came across them yesterday and am really interested in finding out more. In my first college go around (UConn, Fall 2003 - Fall 2006), I went through a number of phases: over-eating junk, joining a sorority, trying out Army ROTC, and finally Capoeira. But I didn't truly learn about eating "healthy." Then I did the Fashion Design AAS at Parsons (I graduated in May 2011) and since I did a commute in from NJ everyday, I learned a lot about how food affects me. (Salads and fruit for snacks clearly gave me more energy than "energy bars.") I ended-up being much "healthier" (in the Conventional Way, meaning, without doing my own research) than I ever was before and lugging around all of that stuff from NJ to NYC everyday actually helped me to lose weight! Now that I work from home, we joined a CSA and get to work out together, so we've been researching what's best for our bodies. I've learned that nearly everything I've been doing (in this "Conventional Way") may actually not be helping me at all. Honestly, isn't it interesting that for thousands of years we survived without eating much grain, if any, and now the government recommends 6-11 servings per day? (Okay, bit of a conspiracy theory, I realize, but that's why I'm bringing it up. What do you think?)
Any thoughts or recommendations?
So far, I've enjoyed finding the following sites and information:
The 4-Hour Body (I do already own this, I'm a huge fan of The 4-Hour Work Week for it's tips and tricks, and Tim Ferriss is one of my heros)
Vibram FiveFingers --> ANYONE know anything about these or have you personally tried them?
Okay, that's a lot to throw at you. I think the Vibram FiveFingers would be especially interesting in NYC. I have seem them there! Not really a fashion trend, but the way of the future?
I'd love to hear your thoughts!
<3 Alex