On Thursday, July 10th, I went to my 39 week Doctors appointment. My Doctor checked how far I was dilated and effaced (1.5/2 cm and 50%)...and said "remember, this doesn't mean anything about when you will go in to labor!" (I had Benj on his due date in 2012 that I calculated when we charted, but I was 1 cm for about 3 weeks.) On Thursday, I was 39 weeks, 2 days based on their estimations (I couldn't chart this time).
Well, that was at 11am and by 3:30pm, I texted my husband and my parents and said "I'm having some really strong contractions, will keep you posted." To which my husband responded immediately and I did ask him to come home, just in case. My sister Regina called right after and said "are you in labor?" (What, do you have a sixth sense - that is so weird that you knew before I did!!!) I said "I might be!"
When Benj woke-up from his nap at 4pm or so, I was super motivated to keep the contractions going. They weren't painful, just radiated further around my belly than my normal Braxton Hicks, so I was hopeful. We went out on the front stoop to watch the neighbor's retaining wall going up (ie: diggers, mini loaders, cement mixer...and I have a 2 year old boy who wanted to name Owen "Bobby Truck." Enough said.) and I walked up and down the stairs as fast as I could. We did that until James got home and I said "I really have no idea - they don't hurt, but I think they are pretty regular."
James set up his new record player that my parents got him for his birthday and I posted online "I'm ready to dance this baby out!" Then while James got dinner sorted, I chased Benj around the backyard. After bath and bedtime stories (where I danced through all the songs) and lullabies, we all tried to go to sleep. At 8:30 I talked to my Dad who asked what my Doctor said. So, haha, I called my Doctor at 9:30 and said that they are every 5-7 minutes and about 45 seconds long. She said that I had better call her before I leave for the hospital so that she has time to get to there and not to wait too long! (My first labor was pretty quick - just four hours in the hospital.) I tried to get some sleep.
At 10:30pm, I decided to take a bath while James tried to get some rest. I told him "the thigh contractions (for some reason, where I get pain, and delivered Benj after about 1.5-2 hours of that pain in 2012) have just started, I think we have time." He said "are you sure? Maybe we should just go now..." But I wanted a bath (especially since I knew I couldn't have one for 6-8 weeks after), so I got in and called my Mom. They had gotten in their car at about 10:15 and were driving the two hours to our house or the hospital - whichever came first! My Mom started timing my contractions and said "you better get out of the tub. You are 3-4 minutes apart and about a minute long!" So, even though I didn't think I was in that much pain yet, I took her advice. Well, when I stood up and had my first contraction out of the tub, I knew she was right - ouch! "JAMES!! TIME TO GO!"
He packed up the car and Benj and I managed to waddle out to the passenger seat. That 10 minutes to the hospital felt long because every NJ pot hole made my contractions hurt SO much more! But as any soon-to-be-Mama knows, I was also VERY excited!
We got to the hospital at 11:40pm and while James went to park the car, I was wheeled-up to L&D by a hospital employee. I signed the paperwork and was told that triage (where they check you to see if you should be admitted) was full - all four rooms - and to take a seat. I sat next to a couple (the woman was throwing up, so I was hesitant, but after two contractions standing, I had to sit). My Doctor walked in and said to the Nurses Station "Get her in a room - she delivers fast!" Then James walked through the door with Benj, a baby carrier (the Onya Outback), and his diaper bag and came over with a nurse to help me stand up. I said "wait, contraction!" Then moaned so loudly that James said I scared the husband/boyfriend/whatever that was sitting next to me - haha, sorry!
We walked to the room, I went towards the bed, looked around, took off my shorts and underwear, tried to throw my leg up on the bed and POP - my water broke. I got my other leg up on the bed and my Doctor said "he's crowning - get me a table! Break down the bed. This baby is coming!" The young nurse looked shocked. A few more nurses came running in and then the next ten minutes is a blur of pushing and breathing.
At 12:03am Owen was on my chest and James said "wait, what time is it, when was he born?!" So they say "12:02am" and we realize he made July 11th - my Moms birthday by two minutes - she will be (and is) thrilled! I cut the umbilical cord (I cut Benj's too), and he latched in the next 15 minutes or so - while I was being stitched-up. (At this point, I cracked the joke that I felt like a "Conehead" and my Doctor laughed and said "honey, these nurses are too young to know that reference!" I laughed too, when did I get too old for pop-culture references?!?!) Also, my parents arrived at about 12:15am and couldn't believe they had just missed it! (Thank you Mom for telling me to go in - we JUST made it!) It was wonderful that they did, because they took our first family photo:

I feel really lucky. I didn't have to have an IV this time, no epidural again, and even no pitocin afterwards because my Doctor said that she didn't think I would need it - I'm so thankful for that...she is amazing! I am so lucky that my body handles the labor pain the way it does and that I have been able to have two pretty great deliveries with my boys. I am also thankful that Benj got to be in the delivery room (as tired as he was) and witness his brother being born (thank you Onya Outback baby carrier!!). I love being a Mom of two and while sometimes crazy, hectic, frustrating, and tiring, I am the happiest and most fulfilled I have ever been! (At least, if I have gotten enough sleep, I feel that way.)
Now, back to blogging...let's change this all to what's happening to me now. Maybe then, I can keep up with it.
Benj + Owen
Love, Alex
PS: apologies for any grammatical and spelling errors. I tend to write and post very quickly, because I usually only have a moment!