Monday, September 29, 2008

Are you Registered?

I'm starting to worry about this Election. After the last one, who wouldn't. If you haven't already registered, please go to AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! You don't have much time to sign-up, but this Election is SURE to change history right before our eyes. I'm not telling you who to vote for, just that you should. Do you pay taxes? Do your parents pay taxes for you? How do you feel about climate change? How do you feel about the war? Are you embarrassed by the state of the USA? Are you proud to be an American?

I have so many more questions, but this is not a political blog. If your brain starts spewing words or your gut wrenches at any of these questions, you should make sure you are registered to vote here. Exercise your right to vote - it's one of the most important rights that you have and get out there on November 4th.


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