Tuesday, August 14, 2012

B and Blogging

Benj is happily napping on me after nursing...and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Boy, have my days changed since becoming a mother. What's one thing that I will forever be impressed by now? Single parents! I couldn't give B the attention he deserves without all the work that James does for us. I am a very lucky woman. I am also proud to still be breastfeeding. It's a truly wonderful feeling.

Next step? I've been amassing design / crafts / art ideas that I really want to accomplish (and blog about)...so I need to work on more B naps in his crib and more me time in the studio. When I get something done for my personal future on top of being a stay-at-home-mom, I feel like Superwoman! We just went to England and Lake Sunapee, NH to visit family and friends and I actually got some art time in! So I'll be posting those photos today, hopefully. (I've also learned that plans may change and often...and that is okay! I am loving my more spontaneous and giggle-filled days.) My other current goal is to meet other parents with children B's age in my area. I'm doing a "Boot Camp" workout on an upcoming Tuesday at one Mama's house and I recently bought a pass for "Mommy and Me" Yoga on Wednesdays in Montclair, NJ. I'd also love to get back in to horseback riding, book a few appointments (hair for a much-needed cut, dermatologist for a suspect mole, eye Doctor for my blurry left eye as of late, and maybe lactation consultant to check B's latch before teething starts...which I'm a little nervous for, OH!, and paddle-boarding and surfing lessons), and start swimming lessons with B! He absolutely loved "swimming" in Lake Sunapee and I loved paddle boarding again...new inspiration, that's for sure.
 (I painted this tortoise-shell onesie for Benji in NH this past week. I was totally inspired whilst wandering the annual League of N.H. Craftsmen's Fair...)

Life should be filled with the things you love. B has certainly helped me realize my priorities: family, friends, art (sewing and sketching), outdoor activities, slow food, and globetrotting.

Cheers to laughter, love, and splashing in the lake.
(Camp Carter Porch View, Great Island, Lake Sunapee, NH, USA)

<3 alex

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Benjamin William PHOTO BOMB

This is why I haven't posted in a month...good reason, right?!  I'm so in love!  But, I'm also back and ready to post, create, sew, and sell.  Here goes!

xoxo, Alex

Friday, May 18, 2012

Thanks Brahmin and Vogue!

I love my surprise gift! This bag is beautiful, yet again! Thank you so much Vogue and Brahmin. I have a Brahmin bag for nearly every occasion now! Although, one can never have too many amazing bags!

<3 Ale

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Neighborhood Walk

Yay! First time out walking with Benjamin!

<3 Ale

Monday, April 30, 2012

Bump and Breakfast...

means I am the luckiest woman alive AND I'm so in love!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sewing in Bed

Best bed rest set-up possible, I guess! Any other suggestions?

<3 Alex

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Baby Blanket for Bump

Appliqued owls and colorful ribbons, oh my!

Would you buy this?

<3 Alex

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Studio : Tea Fabric and Patterns

The Breckenridge Distillery mug is definitely my favorite...with some Harrod's Earl Grey and sewing? Perfect Sunday afternoon.

Happy Spring to all!

<3 Alex

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bump gets Support & Tulips

These tulips smell wonderful, Bump! Soon you'll smell flowers too!

<3 Alex (a.k.a. Mom)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tulips Day 2

Tulip growth! Wednesday at 5:22 pm EST.

Happy Leap Day!

<3 Alex

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Rethinking Fashion: Design Responsibility

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 @ Parsons The New School for Design

Massimiliano Bizzi - President, WHITE Group
Giusy Bettoni - Founder & CEO, C.L.A.S.S.

(I took his Eco-Fashion &Under-Armour Project classes whilst attending Parsons last year.)

Great panel. My favorite notes are all about how sustainability isn't meant to stand out in it's own way (ie: as "crunchy granola"), but to end-up being out there because people love the design, and oh yeah, it just happens to be good (or at least, better) for the planet. Transparency is the next big step for most companies (Nau, Patagonia, Timberland, etc... are leading the way). Consumers want to be connected to a purpose and honesty - so sustainability cannot be stopped! It just doesn't need to be pointed to as the reason to buy from a line, rather, it's almost a "bonus." And closed loop really is happening already and more to come. That's exciting! Really good stuff from brilliant minds. Thanks James & Parsons!

<3 Alex

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A More Positive Life

After a dear friend of mine reminded me about Shawn Achor - I watched the TEDx video she recommended: HERE - I realized that I also own his book;

I am now nearly through it for the second time and have to say, it is truly worth reading and implementing.  Want a more positive life outlook?  Read it!  Get it at your local library if you can or borrow it from a friend.  Even purchasing it is definitely worth it.

Thank you Shawn and Lauren!

<3 Alex

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DIY Doily Wedges

Corinne!  I found you!

I was a daily Threadbanger podcast follower and was so bummed when they left...but she's here!  So easy to follow and always so sweet - I love it!

<3 Alex

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Simple Apple Tart

"The Art of Simple Food" by Alice Waters - I can't wait to try my dairy-free version of her (pg. 180) Apple Tart!

I also roasted a chicken tonight with brussel sprouts, carrots, an onion, and red potatoes (somewhat following Alice)...life is yummy! I was totally inspired by my sister-in-law's (KD) and my mom's amazing cooking in Breckenridge, CO over our New Years Holiday...we were totally spoiled!!!

<3 Alex