Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy 2010!

(Taking a walk in the snow in 2009.)

Dear Friends and Family,

It’s about time for our late Holiday Card again…or maybe we should be more optimistic and say that we are just always going to send a New Years Card.  So, HAPPY 2010!

James and I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone by.  We finally feel settled in to our new home and we are really having fun decorating it.  (Although we have yet to paint a single room!)  The cats; Leo and Tank, have really started to feel settled as well, and actually seem to enjoy their car trips up to Connecticut to visit my parent’s house.  (My mother now lovingly calls herself Grandma…and I’m still trying to get used to it.)  [Thank you to my Mom and Dad who have been amazing this year by taking care of our cats when we had to suddenly leave and because they always let us take them to visit CT and play in their house and cottage - their favorite place on Earth!]

James has moved offices again now from Fairfield to Montville and won an award as a part of the Bayer Team for Best International Trial at the Clinical Exit Awards (an Industry event in London).  It seems his position will include more travel in the New Year and I’m hoping I’ll be able to tag along every once and awhile.  We shall see.  He has also been enjoying playing both soccer and cricket and practicing yoga with work colleagues…along with picking-up a guitar and rocking out in our home at sporadic moments (I love it!).

I’ve started my official course of study at Parsons this fall and am going towards an AAS degree in Fashion Design while continuing to work full-time at The New School.  80% of the AAS program participants already have a BA/BS, so it’s filled with people who know this is what they want to do with their lives – truly inspiring – and are also working other jobs outside of fashion.  I love it and it’s great to feel passionate about art again.  I took Fashion Drawing I and Construction I: Sewing.  My final projects were a 10-piece fashion illustration portfolio and a “please-be-perfectly-sewn” dress.  (So much better than a paper or exam, in my mind!)  I’ve also recently taken-up horseback riding again.  I’ve just started learning how to jump for the first time and it is truly exhilarating!

In the New Year I will be continuing classes (by loading myself with four in the spring, including Italian!) and horseback riding as well as doing an Internship in Visual Display at Anthropologie in the summer!  I will also continue to design and hand-sew jewelry for as well as work on my Etsy Sites and Blog.  Oh, and I crazily signed-up for a mini triathlon in September 2010 with Laura; one of James’ good friends from the UK who also happens to live in NJ.  James is hoping to take some music lessons (most likely guitar) in Manhattan and getting back in to climbing and swimming again.  He is also considering a Masters Program and is just beginning to look at his options.

We are both very excited for what 2010 may bring (besides our three year anniversary) and feel bittersweet about 2009 passing us by.  We were very saddened by the loss of James’ brilliant father Rodney this year.  His smile and great hugs will be deeply missed. On the other hand, we are thrilled by the welcoming of our nephew Harry James Whatton to James’ brother Mark and his wife Maria on May 18, 2009.  (Sharing my own father’s birthday!)  He is tall and thin and shows a tinge of red in his hair, which is of course adorable!  James and I instantly fell in love with him this past year.  And Mark and Maria are doing their best to train us in all things children (but we’re not ready yet!)!  We think we may be making more than one trip to the UK from now on! ;)

My brother Eric and his wife Kelly Dean joined us for Thanksgiving this year in CT at our parent’s house and we had a brilliant time.  We wish we could see more of them and we are hoping to plan a trip to Colorado to visit in the beginning of 2010.  (Especially for some skiing and snowboarding!)

Please keep us in mind if you are traveling by or through Northern New Jersey and have a WONDERFUL NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATION!  (And please pass this on to anyone whom you think may want to read it!)

Sincerely (and with much love), Alex and James (Bill)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The view from my back door - this flowers are beautiful!  I'm thrilled with this burst of color - especially with all the dreary rain days we've had lately.  (One photo of the mums is for sale on my MarthaHaskins Etsy site - click here.)  Both Leo and Tank are enjoying this lazy Saturday morning as well, although little do they know that we will be sewing and painting and gluing in just a bit to get ready for tonight!  Oh, wait, now they are wrestling....I love weekends.  Here's another one of these crazy photos I took the other day (a few are posted on facebook).  I thought it was appropriate for today.  Happy Halloween!
~ Alex

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hello Sunday Morning

Ahh, Sunday Morning - cup of coffee, watching my favorite show and enjoying the rainy day.

If you don't know what show I'm referring to - you are truly missing out. CBS Sunday Morning is the one show I loathe to miss each week. Charles Osgood is fantastic. (Link here.) Right now, they are discussing nerds and how the "lines are blurring." YAY! THE BIG BANG THEORY! Perfect. Definitely cooler than being "hip and vapid." Ha!

See - no matter what, it's all about confidence.

I also went to Lucky Cheng's last night and Kush Lounge. (Click the names for links and addresses in NYC.) What a blast. Happy birthday Ness! Wish I could have stayed later, but we'll definitely do it again.

Speaking of which, just spoke with my hubby in England, and we are ready for ski season and a trip North (or West!)! Scared for my little nephew having a cold in the hospital right now, but holding strong for him. He's a fighter.

Now it's Where The Wild Things are - must watch.

Fight little nephew, fight.

Love to all and everyone - hug those around you today. (Even those kitties!)

~ Alex


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Twitter Obsessed

I am pathetically in love with Twitter. Did you know Governor Schwarzenegger tweets?! It's fantastic, especially since right now he is angry because his wife Maria was caught talking on her cell phone while driving - twice (thanks TMZ) - and he signed a bill making it illegal!

Oh Twitter, you amaze me with your information.

~ Alex

Friday, October 9, 2009


Homework on a friday night and a holiday weekend. I wish I were shopping, can't stand these stupid emails I have to deal with, and want to be home in bed. When oh when will you figure out that I'm not going to take this crap from you? I can't even believe this is how you deal with people. I've never felt so affronted in my life and it's the first time I've met you...ever. Who are you? Or better yet, who do you think you are? You definitely don't know me at all, so please stop making assumptions and wise-up. We won't take it anymore.

Now to make myself happy by sewing the night away with some good friends. Have a great weekend people!

~ Alex

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Michael Kors Spring 2010 Model Mantra!

Direction for models @ Michael Kors. Great show! #nyfw on Twitpic

Trying to apply this to myself today...and every day forth!

~ Alex

Friday, September 11, 2009

Gareth Pugh Fashion Week Public Installation!

Gareth Pugh will have an OPEN-TO-THE-PUBLIC Installation in NYC this weekend! Get to see part of Fashion Week with his new media presentation at Milk Studios!

Gareth Pugh Installation

Sunday, September 13 from 10pm-12am
Simply line up at 449 West 14th Street to gain access
(Read more about it on the MAC Cosmetics Facebook page.)

~ Alex

Artsplace Fall '09 Class Schedule

Hi again!

(I know! Two posts in one day! I'm going somewhere! ;)

Artsplace in Cheshire, CT has uploaded it's Fall 2009 class schedule:

~ Alex

Fashions Night Out - NYC Success!

Hi all!

Fashions Night Out filled the streets all over NYC last night! I can't wait to hear the effect it had and I hope it was enough to do it again in the future.

My Twitter:
(Search FNOnyc OR #FNO09 to read all about it!)

Happy Friday Folks!
~ Alex

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Elephant's Trunk

In hindsight, I'm so sorry that I didn't take a photo...but here goes:

Yesterday morning, James and my Mom and two of our good friends Donna and Jessie got up bright and early to go to the Elephant's Trunk; a flea market in New Milford, CT. (Click HERE for more information.) I hadn't been in nearly 10 years or more and I remember loving it when I was a kid.

It was still the same, actually even better now that I have a house to decorate! We arrived around 8:45 am and searched and wandered for about four hours!

I ended-up buying this (all iron piece) for $20!

Near the end of the day, James and I bought some Stromboli (ham, prosciutto, and cheese) from a guy who called me "baby" when we walked up...and against all better judgement. Now when we think back we remember that we had seen this Stromboli sitting out all day (since we arrived that morning). It had meat in it, there was no refrigeration, and we didn't know the guy. What a bad idea that was!

On the way back to New Jersey, we made a couple of stops - but I wasn't worried about it for some reason. When we got home James and I were both starving and I put some of the Stromboli in to the oven to warm it up for lunch. James cut up some apples and some cheddar and I put the Stromboli on to our plates and then ran downstairs to get a sweatshirt.

That's when I heard James scream "OH MY GOD!" (Which, I have to admit, is not something he normally says.) I ran in to the kitchen and he was pointing at his plate. TINY MAGGOTS WERE CRAWLING OUT OF HIS SANDWICH! How gross! Unfortunately, much to my mothers disappointment, we did not think to take a picture in the moment...and immediately wrapped-up all of the nasty, infested Stromboli and threw it in the garbage, which was then double wrapped and brought to the big garbage can. (This is where my mom will say "you can still go take a picture!")

The best part is, that when I was cutting the sandwiches off, I ate some of the meat that fell out before putting it in the oven...


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fashions Night Out NYC - 9 Days!

Get ready for Fashion Week - the best time of the year!

Click on your favorite Designer, Vintage Shop, or Department Store to see what they'll be doing in their shop on Thursday, September 10, 2009 from 6 - 11 p.m. all across New York City! (I'm working on my itinerary now...and I purchased my shirts!!!)

Happy shopping and benefiting (40% of each t-shirt purchased, plus whatever each store decides, is donated to the National September 11 Memorial)!
~ Alex

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mega Millions!

Hi all!

Don't forget to buy your Mega Millions tickets for the big drawing tonight!

What would you do with 252 Million Dollars?!

~ Alex

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How do you know?

Still feeling a bit do you know?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Book Pillow!

A couture pillow for my Dad. My first entirely hand-sewn project comes to an end...but it's so cute! I didn't even realize I was doing a hand applique until I started my summer class at Parsons - amazing! Let's see what happens next. (Sorry for the bad photo - it was late!)

Happy sewing!
~ Alex

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Start your project!

The day is here - time for you to start that project. I know I've missed New Years by a bit - but I have a new resolution. JUST DO IT! (And I can't believe how much I've already done this year!) I promise to keep up with my blog more. I'm getting a new computer in the next month or so and that will surely help. (My Dell crashed two months ago...which is why you haven't heard much from me. I give up on it.)

More soon! And remember, you CAN do it!
~ Alex

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield

"Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten..."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

If I had $100.00 on

I'd buy SweetToothVintage's Blue Floral Print Tent Dress for a day on the town! (Click here to view her shop!)
And I'd pair it with mylavaliere's Swallow Headband. (Here!)
I'd place lauratrevey's beautiful watercolours ALL over my office. (Here!)
I'd carry asaborake's leather Pencil Case with me wherever I go! (Here!)
And I'd want to carry DeeRPhotoArts' up close and personal Peacock Photo with me whenever the rain starts falling... (Here!)

And with that last $1.00 - I'd buy a lottery ticket to try to be able to purchase...
sheriscrystals' Wedding Cake Chandelier...Now...above my studio desk or vanity? How will I ever decide! (Visit her store here!)

What would you buy?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where do I find my?...


A great burger, raindrops on glass, candlewax pooling on a tablecloth the right breeze at the right moment...

you look around and you stare me down, grinding my heart with the sting of garlic until breaking and winding I fall. Glancing to catch your snicker as you wave at the girl in the shop window.

I treasure your hate as you bellow at the puppy pissing on your worn leather shoes.

I somehow love you for this




Eat a pear and stare down into the abyss that ate Alice whole.


...who knows...I couldn't tell you! I wrote it on the bus ride home. It started out as a "Where do I find my Inspiration" note and this is what happened!

Happy Tuesday!
~ Alex

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My bags are here!

Personally, I'm obsessed. I can't put these bags down...I don't even have anything in the clutches (that I'm using as wallets) yet! I just don't want to leave them at home! Look, even my cat Leo thinks they are GREAT!
Have you Etsy'ied yet?! (Here I am!)

Monday, March 2, 2009


Sketches!, originally uploaded by Alexandra Whatton.

My first Fashion Studies class at Parsons - and this is my homework?! I'm in love.

Dream on!

~ Alex

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Custom Kicks!

Here they are! My custom Keds from! They took me quite a while to design, but they were so easy to purchase once I got all of my designs up there...and I have to admit, I'm quite proud! They definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I love the color and that it makes me want to get to work in my studio each time I look down! Every time that I look down, I will instantly feel like creating - which is my favorite time in the world!
More photos here!
Your own Custom KEDS here!
Oh the things you can do in the world today.
~ Alex

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My NEW Studio!

I think I'm in love...well, yes, my husband is great - but my new studio is REALLY coming together! I just got some great organization underway and the versatility of this space is starting to reveal itself. My new sewing machine (yes, the first I've EVER bought!) fits perfectly on one side. And when I want to sketch designs that I'm thinking of or get out something else to "play" with - I can angle the desk as a drafting table from the other side! I'm so excited about it. It's such an inspiring space. I can't wait to hang a cork board or separte hooks with clipboards for ideas! Oh the things I could do.
Have you been inspired lately?
Ciao for now!
~ Alex

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Happy Lazy Sunday!

The house is clean and orderly, the cats are resting, and we're both well fed. Italian soccer is playing, james lounges across the couch, and I browse Etsy. All is well.

Speaking of browsing Etsy, here's todays' find:

madcowdog's equine treat pouch

This is how I'm feeling today too:

I had the time of my life at Diane von Furstenberg's Spring 2009 Consumer Preview this Wednesday at NY's Fashion Week...

(For more video of the evening: check out my Flickr!)

I purchased my Valhalla Brooklyn custom bags (see previous post) - I cannot WAIT to see them! Thank you Karin!

Off to try out my new sewing machine...enjoy your weekend (or at least what's left of it!)

Ciao for now!

~ Alex

Friday, February 20, 2009

Valhalla Brooklyn

I've come to realize in all my travels that I still don't have the perfect carry-on bag...insert AMAZING FIND ON ETSY here! Valhalla Brooklyn comes to the rescue.

Click here!

Karin, the woman behind the genius at Valhalla Brooklyn has been patiently working with me to design my dream bag! A combination of one of her XL Luggage bags in size and the Vigga bag (pictured above) in styling - I can't wait to feel the smooth leather on my shoulder and the funky lining sliding between my fingers.

Check out her website (with tons of amazing photos) here. She's got talent!

~ Alex

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Too long...

Well, I guess that's what I get for shopping locally! (I've been doing that the entire time since I last blogged...over a month ago now!) Just kidding, it's definitely time to get back in to things and kickstart 2009...even if I'm a little behind!

I've found a couple of new magazines that I might be purchasing subscriptions I'm already addicted to Real Simple and Harper's Bizarre and now I've found Bust and Craft Magazine (more of a book). I also can't stop checking out Etsy or now Gilt Groupe, and of course...Zazzle!!! I'm just trying to support the economy you know!

And also - so you can check out the AMAZING embroidery work (found thanks to Craft Magazine!): Michael Aaron McAllister. You won't believe your eyes. Click here for my favorite! (Too bad it's not up for sale anymore!)

Smile, it makes people wonder...

~ Alex