Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where to stay in France

Nomads!  OH MY GOSH!  I subscribe to a fantastic blog called "The Steampunk Home," and look what she/he  (?) posted today!
(These photos are from THIS WEBSITE, taken from two different caravans, but look inside the second one HERE - it's pink and wonderful!)

Happy gypsy here!

Yours truly,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Camel Coat Nightmare

Dear Nomads,

Why is it that I cannot stop dreaming about this Chloe camel coat?

Please let me know - it's driving me crazy!

Yours truly,

PS: I'd totally sneak this little Dries Van Noten number on underneath and run barefoot through an apple grove...guess I'm in fall mode already!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I feel like running through the trees...

...but I'll settle for browsing Etsy.  If I could be truly nomadic, I would don a simple black bamboo tank, one of the following two pairs of pants, and go happily barefoot and carefree on my way.  Oh, and I'd hang the wreath on the door of my Airstream.
Pink Pants: "All Around The World Dark Pink Printed Rayon Harem Pants" by aftershowershop
Tie-Dye Pants: "Ring My Bell Multicolour Tie Dye Pants No. 4" by aftershowershop
Wreath: "Happy Camper Yarn Wreath" by GoodieTrueShoes

Happy thoughts!

Yours truly,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Osborn Shoes

I have been coveting Osborn Shoes for over a year now and wish I would have bought them when I first saw that I'm broke and have already spent my last paycheck from work, I'm truly kicking myself (with crappy shoes).  Don't make the same mistake I did.  They're 20% off if you use the discount code: SUMMER when you check out.  (All online purchases only before July 31, 2010.)

Happy skipping!

Yours truly,

PS: Those are the jellyBean Corte Oxfords!

I am not an alcoholic but...

...these are A M A Z I N G ! ! !

I love that Vat 19 lists the flavors of these gummy shot glasses (YES GUMMY!) as "red, blue, and orange" and the next set as "lemon, lime, and cola."  You just have to decide what goes best with your gummy shot glass!  (I'd be the girl sitting there eating empty shot glasses - MUHAHA!)

Happy Tuesday Morning!

Yours truly,

Monday, July 19, 2010

Damn French Desserts

Here I am trying to design my own label, business cards, etc...when I should have contacted "damnfrenchdesserts" all along!  Above is her "Queen To The Bone Cards (Set of Ten)" and below is "Dissecting Godiva (Five Cards and Envelopes)."
I found them through Etsy Finds and am happy to say that you can find them in quite a few places:
Damn French Desserts Website --> (though this currently just links back to Etsy...)

Happy Victorian Ephemera (as DFD would say)!

Yours truly,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Restore Clothing...restore yourself

Hi Nomads, have you heard of Restore Clothing?  This is their Voyage Pant and I can't help but LOVE how they photographed them for the website - certainly not your average pant photography!  I also am a huge fan of their ideals: "responsible, earth friendly, sustainable, technological, organic, recycled, ergonomic."  I think I have a new wish list.  I'm also coveting the "no-side-seams" Legging...

Happy ethics!

Yours truly,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Spend more money on Apple!

Not going to lie to you, nomads...I just bought the Magritte.  The "Lost in Space" Robot B9 is officially getting relocated!  A big thank-you to Jamie for showing these to me.  YES!

Happy sticking!

Yours truly,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Daydreamin' Etsy Outfit

 Can you picture it?  That awesome tunic top with the fancy leggings, impossible shoes (ha!), and I'd put the bow in back so after you walk past you give people ONE more surprise!  Enjoy!

Top: $65.00, by NoelFales
Leggings: $538.00, by thisilk
Shoes: $1,000.00, by krakenmosaics (please note: this shoe is just for decoration)
Purse/Belt: $65.00, by carrotcake

Now if only I had a dollar or two...

Yours truly,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hair Lariats!

Oh Refinery had me at "The Neverending Story Empress"...yes!  Ironically, I did this look by wearing a pearl necklace in my hair to my Junior Prom.  The hair stylist thought I was INSANE!  But, I still love those photos - I'm going to have to dig those up!  Oh Mother!

I'm coveting the one on the right...

Find Sasha Samuel's hair lariats at New York Vintage, 117 W. 25th Street (between 6th and 7th avenues); 212-647-1107.  And see more photos at Refinery 29's original post by Connie Wang HERE!  (They always know how to do it!)

Happy hunting!

Yours truly,

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Thank you World Cup Final - perfect commercial to make me smile during this horrific fouling game of tag.

Here's to SCORING!

Yours truly,

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I'm obsessed!  Each day I have them send me and email to remind me to log-in and check-up on the "world."  I CAN'T GET ENOUGH!  Thank you bloglovin' for letting me join your fabulously decked-out ranks.

Here I go down the rabbit-hole!

Yours truly,

PS: I <3 you Manhattan!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sew Printy

Parsons Summer 2010 Silkscreen Printing Class Update!
 Totes (above) and tunic (below)!  I love the bright, sassy color - really came-out well!
Great class though, with Marie Dormuth.  I highly recommend it!  Plus, once you're in it for a semester, there are open hours so you can print to your hearts content!


Yours truly,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Anthro-Soho Visual Display Update!

Sorry it's been so long.  I was a little shocked to find out who had looked at my blog the first time (Hi!) I posted, but I didn't hear any bad remarks, so I'm back!  I cannot say enough amazing things about the visual display and visual merchandising staff at the Soho Anthropologie.  Everyone is so kind, so hard-working, and SO very talented!  I'm blown away every Friday, even at 7 am.  And even better?  I haven't killed a plant yet!  Woop!  Anyhow, I know what you really want:
I only attached about four to six inches of the rope on to the actual wall, but I'm still so proud to be a part of it!  It looks amazing.  The girls and I (thanks for making me feel so included!) were laughing that people wanted to know if the ticket bed canopy was for sale rather than the rope.  The rope takes a long time to make and the tickets are rather easy.  Close-up:
It is somewhat ironic.  But I understand - the visual impact is amazing - very Anthropologie.  Like I've said before...genius.

Happy thoughts!

Yours truly,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Refinery leads to Mode D'Amour

If my closet could look like anyone's it would be Anniemiek of Mode D'AmourRefinery's latest post led me straight to five new fashion bloggers and this shot of #5's "closet" is perfection.  I have now completely re-imagined my attic and my husband is going to kill me!

Seek and you shall find.

Yours truly,

I Figured out my "Product"

(Click the photo taken by Simon Brown to see the NY Times article by Phil Patton about this MOMA-owned airstream.)

The product that most represents me is an Airstream Travel Trailer; a functional, stylish American classic with a touch of eccentricity.

Reading about Wally Bayam's dream and his company HERE made me realize that I just found a new hero.  Not only do I fully agree with his ideals, but I aspire to have a company with such a strong legacy and such loyal fans (counting myself among them).

Perfect.  Thank you to my amazing husband - I think his upcoming birthday is making him even more witty than normal!

Yours truly,

Oh Juxtapoz, you know me so well...

Nina Pandolfos...exhibit entitled "Desafiando Sonhos" (Defying Dreams) in Brazil...via Juxtapoz.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sloshed and Horny

Isn't it amazing how sex sells?  A little creative title and I've got more readers.  

I'm slightly embarrassed by my last post.  0 comments.  No big surprise, I guess - who reads this anyhow?  And my mother and a friend of mine responded on facebook - but that's only 2 people...maybe I don't have any talents?

HAHA - oh, that's sad.  Good thing I don't buy that for one second.  I'm sure no one is following my blog specifically for the same reason that I am currently reading Robin Roffer's book (Make a Name for Yourself) that I posted about here.  --> I am not a brand and this blog is too "all over the place."  More specifically, I don't have a target audience other than myself and that is a TERRIBLE idea for a brand!  Especially since I can't ever make up my own mind.  Maybe I should start by renaming it so that it doesn't say "Dear Diary" at the top.  But who do I want to read this?  Future customers?  Future friends?  Future colleagues?

I have lots of thinking to do.  For now I'll let you in on a few secrets:
1. I SUCK at P90X so far.  First of all, I certainly haven't done it everyday.  And second, what was that this morning?  I barely got through Legs & Back and AB Ripper X was hilarious this morning.  I actually did the most of it that I've ever done, but that scissors one kills me every time!  I laughed out loud and my cats just stared - as usual.
2. I'm at a total loss as to my foremost talent, how to brand myself, who my target audience is, what I want to market, and now wondering..."who am I?"  !!!  These books are doing more to me than I know!
3. Reading self-help books helps your marriage too.  I cleaned and organized the house, cooked, baked, groomed the boys, and did loads of laundry.  He was amazed!  (It helps to have a weekend at home, as well - it has certainly been awhile!)
4. Being an adult and acting as if you know what path you are on in life is hard work.  At least I know everyone else is doing it too.

That's all this morning - I'm happy you're still reading!  If you have a blog, leave a note in the comments with a link - let's see 'em!

Yours truly,

PS: I wish I could grow his moustache to look like Yosemite Sam.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Focus Group

Dear Reader,

Could you help me?  I need to know (if you know me, or just think you do through this digital diary),

What do you think is my foremost talent?

Please respond below in the comment section by Thursday, July 8th, 2010 at 11:59 pm.  If I get more than 20 responses, one person (picked randomly using a random number generator) will win a copy of the following print to be picked at noon on Friday.

Happy weekend!

Yours truly,

Thursday, July 1, 2010


A good friend of mine recently recommended I start reading "Make a Name for Yourself - 8 steps every woman needs to create a personal brand strategy for success" by Robin Fisher Roffer.  It arrived yesterday, I started it this morning, and I can't wait to start implementing these ideas!  In fact, I haven't waited, I just completely re-designed my blog because of this.  I know it will always be a work in progress, but I have to start somewhere!

Question of the day: What brand do I most identify with?

Newly inspired - I love this!

Yours truly,

PS: Strength in detail: