Isn't it amazing how sex sells? A little creative title and I've got more readers.
I'm slightly embarrassed by my last post. 0 comments. No big surprise, I guess - who reads this anyhow? And my mother and a friend of mine responded on facebook - but that's only 2 people...maybe I don't have any talents?
HAHA - oh, that's sad. Good thing I don't buy that for one second. I'm sure no one is following my blog specifically for the same reason that I am currently reading Robin Roffer's book (Make a Name for Yourself) that I posted about
here. --> I am not a brand and this blog is too "all over the place." More specifically, I don't have a target audience other than myself and that is a TERRIBLE idea for a brand! Especially since I can't ever make up my own mind. Maybe I should start by renaming it so that it doesn't say "Dear Diary" at the top. But who do I want to read this? Future customers? Future friends? Future colleagues?
I have lots of thinking to do. For now I'll let you in on a few secrets:
1. I SUCK at P90X so far. First of all, I certainly haven't done it everyday. And second, what was that this morning? I barely got through Legs & Back and AB Ripper X was hilarious this morning. I actually did the most of it that I've ever done, but that scissors one kills me every time! I laughed out loud and my cats just stared - as usual.
2. I'm at a total loss as to my foremost talent, how to brand myself, who my target audience is, what I want to market, and now wondering..."who am I?" !!! These books are doing more to me than I know!
3. Reading self-help books helps your marriage too. I cleaned and organized the house, cooked, baked, groomed the boys, and did loads of laundry. He was amazed! (It helps to have a weekend at home, as well - it has certainly been awhile!)
4. Being an adult and acting as if you know what path you are on in life is hard work. At least I know everyone else is doing it too.
That's all this morning - I'm happy you're still reading! If you have a blog, leave a note in the comments with a link - let's see 'em!
Yours truly,
PS: I wish I could grow his moustache to look like Yosemite Sam.