Friday, February 11, 2011

Always start your day with a beautiful sunrise...I always say! I have that song stuck in my head: "It's a beautiful morning!"

That reminds me, yesterday at Lincoln Center, they were giving out Frappuccino's and it made me remember when a few of my friends and I wrote (and sang )a song on our walk to 8th (what?! when were we that young?!) grade about them. We should totally pitch it to Starbucks. Do you girls remember?!

One last little note. It's my final day interning with the Peter Som team. I've been so impressed with their kindness, extreme organization amidst the chaos that is fashion, and intelligence! Their interns are the same - wonderful! Thanks all, I had a GREAT time. Here we go for a rockin' show!

Happy Friday & NY Fashion Week Day 2!

Yours Truly,

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