Friday, February 25, 2011

P90X - Day 7 - Kenpo X & Day 8 - Chest & Back

Thanks to some dye work for my Parsons classes...
(Obscuring a corner in my 50s pepto bathroom...), I didn't get to Kenpo X yesterday, so guess what?  Today is a Double's Day - ACK!  ;)  Here goes!  (With some company this am...)
I also want to say "THANKS BACK AT YA" to Lucky Magazine for sending this sweet thank you gift from Alex and Ani yesterday:
The card that came with them says "Proudly made in America from Recycled Materials" --> they even remembered (or it was by chance) that I go crazy for this stuff!  Thanks Lucky!  I'm happy to do it!  (My PAGE at Lucky.)

Okay, back to Kenpo X Doubles!

Yours truly,

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