Saturday, February 19, 2011

P90X Day 2 - Plyometrics

In the art of full disclosure (eeeep!  Here goes!)...this is me after this morning's workout (notice how I'm making it as small as possible - it looks much better this way!):
(Please ignore the bedding and ski gear!)  Thankfully, P90X teaches you how to pose to make your body look pretty bada$$, and admittedly I took this after Plyometrics when I'm feeling much more confident.  

I am also lucky that with Parsons I get a workout just carrying my stuff to and from school and sometimes even doing homework, depending on what it is, so my upper-body is in "okay" shape.  But my goal is to truly tone my arms so I look strong and ready to take on the world.  However, it's really my legs and glutes that I'm working on.  Continuing at this rate means I'll finish just before graduation in May.  I'm hoping that by walking myself through the process openly on Gypsy Theories will mean that I'll graduate P90X this time.  (Because I have started it twice before and lasted about two weeks each time.  Blah-blah-blah...)  Let's get me over the hump, nomads!

Happy BeachBody!

Yours truly,

Sweet & Spicy:
(Dhalma Bean, both: Google Images.)
Two women who led me to this journey and are going to get me through it - thank you!

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