Tuesday, March 11, 2008

PAZ Fashion Peace

Ideal Bite - New York City alerted me to these wonderful creations. Believe it or not, this hat is made from canvas recycled from the covers of Brazilian cargo trucks along with a faux leather made from plant matter! (If that's not both green and vegetarian, I don't know what is!) It's beautiful and each one is handmade (which means they aren't exactly cheap - but hey, saving the planet AND looking good is worth it, no?). Check them out!

I start a three-day oil still-life workshop today with Mally DeSomma (she has some STUNNING paintings - I'll post when she has an art show). Trust me, you'll want one of her pieces on your wall. Anyhow, that's what I'll be doing for the next three days, so if I do not get a chance to post - do not fret - I'll be back soon! (And with paintings to sell on Etsy!)

Thanks for reading!

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