Wish I were there...
Wish I were there...
And Underworld:
I am now officially certified as a belayer at the New Jersey Rock Gym and all I want to do is climb, but my arms keep giving out after two hours...I love working on the strength of it all, though, and my arms are going to look great for my friends wedding in a week.
Alright, it's Sunday...time for a croissant and the Olympics. Keep me posted on creative jobs throughout Northern New Jersey and New York City. You won't regret it!
Happy blogging...CIAO!
I have been craving her camera cases for awhile, but this is just the second cd case that she has listed AND IN MY FAVORITE COLOR! I was so excited that I bought it immediately. I have found that with Hine's shop, you have to purchase an item the second you realize that you like it because otherwise, YOU WILL MISS YOUR CHANCE! So I did...my birthday is tomorrow...and I bought it for myself! (Now if she would just make me a matching camera case...hint hint!
Happy hunting!
Hi again!
I couldn't believe this video from YouTube. I get regular emails for the Organic Consumers Association (watch out - it will change your life) and the reference to flouride caught my eye. So, I followed the white rabbit and I was HORRIFIED! Back to bottled water I go!
My husband doesn't drink tap water because of it's Fluoride content here in the lovely US. Well, that and the fact that he is allergic to it. He even buys specific toothpaste (without fluoride) and now I'm begining to think that I should, as well. You know, this makes me worry about the high cancer numbers in my hometown; Cheshire, CT - it is truly scary. But I digress.
On a happier note (which I would like to keep this blog on), look what I found on Etsy. This red Squirrel ring is designed by Soop and you can buy sets so that she sits in front of a tree, or next to mushrooms, or even with other animals (like a fox, cow, or pig to name a few). It's a ring that definitely makes a statement - I wonder if he came make them out of recycled plastic?
I also made my first sale on Etsy!!! (Probably more exciting for me than you - but still noteworthy!) My somewhat abstract pepper and a bunch of carrots sold to an old friend of mine from high school who works for Edible Arrangements, now. She said she is inspired by fruits and veggies everyday and would I be willing to make some for the store (and more for her kitchen). I am overwhelmed with excitement, to say the least! It's so amazing when someone you know buys your work - it is almost more rewarding. In fact, I will go there - it is MORE rewarding. I am so completely flattered. And it is almost too easy, because I love to paint produce! The colors are always vibrant, they have great shapes for strong values in paintings (think highlights and shadows), and it actually makes me eat healthier that day...I cannot wait to get started!
Another new addiction? Looking online for new crafts to try - like MarthaStewart.com, crafting goddess. Check out this leather belt how-to...how awesome is that?! I'm always looking for new belts, why not make my own!
Anyhow, I feel like I should work for Etsy; I tell everyone about them. It's a little ridiculous! I have even started dropping ".com's" into conversations and I sound like a spokesperson or even worse, a commercial. I do apologize for my chronic linking - I think I am truly addicted! Maybe I need an intervention.
Thanks for reading!